
Synopsis: Although the Arabic world is as diverse as any other region, customs and traditions endure. Injustices continue. And then there is Laila. Trapped in a marriage to a man she finds physically revolting, Laila begins to realize secret truths about her...

This City is a Minefield

Synopsis: This City is a Minefield is a collection of reflective memoir and personal essays told from a genuine and unique voice about growing up and coming of age as a young gay Chinese man in Vancouver. Thoughtful and honest, the stories and essays recounted are...

Intimate Strangers

Intimate Strangers: True Stories from Queer Asia Edited by Carmen Ho and Gregg Schroeder Family, love, friendship, acceptance—none of these pillars of happiness are certainties for LGBTQ+ people. Yet, despite social and legal conventions, the fifteen writers collected...


Sanctuary: Short Fiction from Queer Asia Edited by Libay Linsangan Cantor and Ng Yi-Sheng Gathered in this book are nineteen tales of queer lives in Asia: stories of humour and heartbreak; magic and murder; love, lust and living happily ever after. Meet an altar boy...


Synopsis: Sometimes what is remembered is best forgotten. This is the feeling that permeates Insignificance. The protagonists in these stories cannot help but recall their former Hong Kong existence, one that shimmers with beauty and pain. On September 26, 2014, the...

Heaven on Earth

Synopsis: The year: sometime in the 2090s. The location: Jordan. Aging is reversible thanks to major advances in bioscience and nanotechnology. But in a world where eternal youth has become a reality, complications arise. Journalist Janna Abdallah is at the forefront...