Always Forever

From the depths of sorrow begins a journey of hope. 從悲傷深淵出發,展開希望之旅。   Note: This book is available in English and Chinese. Synopsis 本書簡介 The dream of a life together is shattered when AD finds himself attending Mikee’s funeral. He is overcome with grief. But...

Never Turn Away

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Synopsis: Never Turn Away is a collection of Marshall Moore’s work from the 10 years since his debut novel The Concrete Sky was published. Included are excerpts from that book and his second novel An...

An ideal for living

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: Grace White and her brother Robert, overweight and affluent, are desperate to hang onto their respective love interests. Grace’s husband Rich is bonking every woman he can talk into bed. Grace...

Trio Sonata

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: A chance meeting over a dropped shop key opens a new world for Janna, the bright, attractive proprietress of a Ukranian cafe in Philadelphia’s city centre. A decidedly straight woman on...

The Concrete Sky

Summary: While drunk at a party, Chad falls off a balcony and breaks his wrist. He comes to in a psych facility, under observation: His homophobic, obsessive older brother convinces the doctors that the fall was a suicidal jump… two other patients are...