Hong Kong Rose

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: In October of 1987, Rose Kho, Hong Kong girl who left home, returned and has left it again for New York to escape her life, reflects, scotch in hand, as the sun sets on the Statue of Liberty....

Izzy and Eve

Summary: It seems forever that Israel (Izzy) and Evangeline (Eve)—a gay man and his woman friend—have lived together while the city around them crumbles. He’s an erotic cartoonist; she makes exotic jewellery and works as a receptionist in one of the whorehouses in...

After China

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: After China, is a novel which offers lasting pleasures through its rich combination of consummate story-telling, playfulness and wisdom. An architect meets a writer on a beach. He has escaped...


E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: Through a fictional character, Byron Shelley Johnson, Castro ‘completes’ English experimental novelist Bryan Stanley Johnson’s unfinished trilogy. The novel explores the interaction of...

The Garden Book

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: Set in the Dandenongs of the 1930s, when Australia was facing a looming war, The Garden Book scrutinizes the obsessions, prejudices and sexual betrayals of the period, shedding a different light...