Rural Liberties

Synopsis: Moralla, a fading seaside town on the ‘beautifully uncivilised’ Sapphire Coast of New South Wales, has won Australia’s Tidy Towns award for two years running. Now Rebecca Moore—the most beautiful, talented girl in town—is dead and there’s nothing tidy about...


E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: A novel in two parts. Part I: Je Louse, 1999 “Beware of ex-lovers with quills”, warns the preface of Elliot Bernard’s new novel Je Louse. Blaise spent six torrid years with the...

Pussy’s Bow

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: Three gay men — friends and roommates in a stunning Art Deco mansion — have their lives tossed into turmoil when one of them is set upon by a gang of gay-bashing teens. When the...

Glove Puppet

E-book reprinted and distributed in partnership with the author. Summary: Vaslav is a boy with a sordid past and a tenuous future. Born ‘Johnny’ to a drug addict, prostitute mother in Brighton England, Johnny becomes Vaslav when, at age seven, his mother...

Izzy and Eve

Summary: It seems forever that Israel (Izzy) and Evangeline (Eve)—a gay man and his woman friend—have lived together while the city around them crumbles. He’s an erotic cartoonist; she makes exotic jewellery and works as a receptionist in one of the whorehouses in...